Windward's Junior Cricket Program continues to go from strength to strength, as shown by the latest news that three more of our members have been invited to join the Sir Everton Weekes Centre of Excellence at Kensington Oval where they will receive tutelage from Barbados coaches in preparation for trial matches and possible selection to represent Barbados in regional matches. Already at the centre are Joshua Branch, who plays for the Youth Team in 1st Division Cricket, and Akobi Crichlow-Byer who represents Christ Church Foundation School in the 1st Division, both now in the Under 17s programme. Joining them are Max and Mike Symes who will be part of the Under 15 program, while Dhaniram 'DJ' Dharamdeo will join the Under 13s. Windward coach Jafari Toppin, himself a graduate of the Center, said "The boys have been working hard to get to this point, and I wish them the very best going forward in their careers."