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2021 One of the most tumultuous in clubs history.

Writer's picture: windwardcricketclubwindwardcricketclub

"2021 was one of the most tumultuous years in the Club’s 100 years." These were the opening comments from club president, Richard Cox in the 2021 Annual Report. "Not only did the Covid 19 pandemic continue to wreak havoc across the globe, Barbados being no exception, we also had to deal with horrendous ash fall in the month of April as a result of the Soufriere eruption in St. Vincent, which was soon followed by Hurricane Elsa in July.

As a result of the pandemic, there was very little activity at the club and our planned 100th anniversary celebrations were postponed and will be now held in the latter part of 2022. With no Inter Club tennis, no BCA cricket, very little bar activity and no fund raising activities allowed, the club’s financials came under severe pressure as we still had to maintain the clubhouse and grounds as well as carry out repairs as required." Cox went on to thank Sagicor for their continued support of the club with its sponsorship and support.

After presenting the clubs financials to the many members present on the night, their was the opportunity to elect a new members to the Committee of Management. Returning unopposed were Richard Cox, President, Charlie Thornton, Vice President & Bar Secretary, and Paul Allen, Secretary. Clyde Gibson stepped down as Entertainment Secretary, having served the position for many years. He was replaced by Andrew Thornton who looks forward to the challenge of holding events that appeal to both older and younger members, while observing the constantly changing Covid protocols. Ed Clarke, moves from Ordinary Member to club Treasurer, replacing Mark Corbin, who was thanked by the Committee for his close to 40 years in that position.

This was followed by the election and appointment of team captains and vice-captains. Alan Branch replaces Shae Branch as Captain of the Intermediate team, while new comer, Shakeem Blades replaces Sean Thornton as Intermediate Vice Captain. Andrew Lythcott replaces Andrew Thornton as Second Division Captain, and will be assisted by incumbent Vice Captain, Dindial Ramrattan. Both Andrew Thornton and Lee-Ann Thornton were returned as Captain and Vice Captain of the Tennis Team when no other members were proposed. In the Over 40s cricket team, Alan Branch will act as Captain, and Andrew Lythcott his Vice Captain.

The remaining members of the Committee of Management are: Paul Gill, Nicholas Shepherd, John Thornton, Michael Hutchinson and Sean Thornton.

Acting as selectors for the cricket and tennis teams are; Jafari Toppin, Winston Chase and Rick Taurel respectively, while Chase, Lythcott and Marc Sampson return as club representatives to the BCA and BTA.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

WCC CoM 2022

President, Richard Cox; Vice-President, Charlie Thornton, Secretary, Paul Allen; Entertainment Secretary, Andrew Thornton; Treasurer, Ed Clarke; Bar Secretary, Charlie Thornton; Intermediate Capt., Alan Branch; Second Division Capt., Andrew Lythcott; Tennis Capt. Andrew Thornton; Ordinary Members, Paul Gill; Nicholas Shepherd; John Thornton; Michael Hutchinson; Sean Thornton.

Captains & Vice-Captains

Cricket Intermediate Division: Captain, Alan Branch; Vice Captain, Shakeem Blades.

Cricket Second Division: Captain, Andrew Lythcott; Vice Captain, Dindial Ramrattan.

Cricket Masters: Captain, Alan Branch; Vice Captain, Andrew Lytchott.

Tennis: Captain, Andrew Thornton; Vice Captain, Lee Anne Thornton.

Selectors Cricket Intermediate & Second Division: Jafari Toppin. Masters: Winston Chase. Tennis: Rick Taurel

Club Representatives BCA: Andrew Lythcott, Winston Chase. BTA: Marc Sampson

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